Hello Ladies,
Again I must apologize for my complete lack of blogging within the past few weeks! I have literally been in the library most days until it closes...also if any of you follow me on Twitter you will have seen my many ramblings and pictures of, what I consider, hell on earth. Well the good news is, its Thursday which means I'm 3 exams down and only one left! I literally cannot wait for these to be finished and my thesis to be handed up.
Well onto the main reason for me writing this post. I had to share my experience of this moisturiser. So, I'll start from scratch...I recently discovered a website called Fragrance Direct, which I'm sure a lot of you may have heard about. If you haven't they basically sell beauty products at ridiculously low prices, and you know me a huge beauty junkie I had to stock up!
I knew I needed a new moisturiser and against the wise words of Ash from A Plus Size Pony Pal, I bought a moisturiser called "Fade Out" from this site. Now your probably wondering why Ash was discouraging me from making a purchase, basically as she stated I should buy a good moisturiser that will last me months as apposed to buying one online that I had no previous experience with. All I can say is she was right and I'm glad it only cost me £3!
So why was I so unimpressed...well, there's a really distinct smell off it and not a nice one. It smells like granny, now I've never really had a granny so I can't be 100% sure about it, but judging from the elderly that I have met before they all have a distinct smell, and this is it. Even my boyfriend agreed with me on this one! It's also really thick to put on and really has no positives. It made my face moisturized for literally a minute, then dried out. I'm also fairly sure it dried my chin out so much it started to look like I was growing hairs! I would not recommend this product unless you want to smell like an old person with flaky skin!

If you take one thing from this girls, stick to a moisturiser you know and trust, even if it is a little bit on the pricey side. Have any of you ever tried Fade Out? Or any other moisturiser which you would never try again? I'd love to know if it is just me who absolutely hates this product!
Thanks for reading,
Great post glad this didn't cost you a bomb! Best of luck in your last exam!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much :) x