A few weeks ago a bronze envelope arrived through my post box. I knew exactly what it was and I was so excited to use my new product. Mondss Underarm Wear is a breakthrough product helping you to wear the clothes you love without sweating all over them (basically). The product itself is the strangest looking thing ever and when I first heard about it I was extremely skeptical. All I can say is this product reminded me of a sanitary towel, and the girls and I had a good giggle about attaching a sanitary towel to my arm pit.
I waited for the perfect day to try these out... One that I knew I would be a sweaty mess. My day off from work arrived and I had planned on washing my hair, changing my bed sheets, cleaning my car and scrubbing my room. All things I hate doing because I get to hot doing them. The application seemed pretty easy but my left pit took a bit longer than expected and I had to use 3 different pieces before getting it perfect. After doing all my tasks though, I didn't have any sweat patches which I was happy with and I didn't smell which is alway a positive. I met the girls for lunch and they were so inquisitive as to what I was wearing on my arm pit. The fact I wore these out of my house shows how discrete this product actually is.
Unfortunately the removal part is a lot harder than expected. I was left with "plaster" marks on my arm pit... I used everything recommended to remove the adhesive residue but nothing has worked. Even now, almost 3 weeks after using Mondss I'm still left with a slight residue.
Overall, Mondds is a completly different product, one that I would never have considered before. Unfortunately you can only wear Mondss for 4-6 hours, so if you're out and about all day you'll need to bring a change. You also need to wait a few hours after shaving before use, and you must be shaved to use, so if you're in a rush not very ideal. These cost €9.99 for a pack of 10 so probably not ideal for everyday use, but they're more so designed for special occasions, job interviews, if you're wearing something you don't want to be ruined by aerosols or a horrible yellow sweat patch. Unfortunately the adhesive residue was a huge turn off for me so I probably wouldn't rush back to using them.
Have you heard of Mondss underarm wear?! What is your opinion of them?!